Who are you?

I’m Marcus Mellor. I’m currently a Ph. D. student and researcher at Oklahoma State University studying computer arithmetic. My previous work was as a test engineer at a large government contractor, where I designed tools to help people make better hardware. Before that, I studied electrical engineering at Oklahoma Christian University.

My goal is to make electrical and computer engineering more accessible to everyone. I’m a believer in the power of open source and open hardware efforts; you’ll see me talk about those pretty often. I’m a chronic tinkerer and a Linux enthusiast, though I admit I only know enough to be a danger to my own computers. My hobbies include playing video games with my friends, reading (especially science fiction), and using tools on things (hopefully constructively).

Fun Facts about Me

  • I have spent more money on Lego sets than I care to admit
  • I was once hospitalized in a game of Duck Duck Goose
  • My favorite video game series is Xenoblade Chronicles
  • I can fit 18 grapes in my mouth at once

What is this website?

This website is mostly a place for me to talk about work I’m doing or cool stuff others have done. If you want to know more about my goals here, check out my very first post.

Got a question?

Think I missed a key point in some explanation? Found a typo you want fixed? Got a project you think I’d be interested in? Feel free to send me an email.