Now that we understand standard cell characterization, we can actually look at the paper. As it turns out, understanding the background is the hardest part here.
Feeling a bit lost? This article is the second part in a series on the paper “Charlib: An Open Source Standard Cell Library Characterizer”. If you’re looking for the other parts, or the paper itself, click here.
CharLib: An Open Source Standard Cell Library Characterizer
This paper, published in the proceedings of the 2024 Midwest Symposium on Circiuts and Systems, describes a new standard cell characterizer written in the Python programming language. It’s open source and designed to be simple to use.
The innovation here isn’t in the details of the characterization process. That’s mostly the same as what other open source characterizers have been doing for years. Instead, CharLib introduces a new way of handling standard cell information with the goal of making characterization easier and more consistent.
Section I: A shift in perspective
The Current Method: Tool-Specific Scripts
Existing characterizers follow a typical paradigm. You more or less tell the tool where each individual cell is, then load the tool with information about that cell, then tell it to run a specific procedure. This is a pretty manual process, with the tool only handling the actual simulation automatically.
For example, if you wanted to characterize a cell library using Cadence tools, you would write a script using Cadence Liberate’s domain-specific commands. There are commands for importing cell data, defining paths through cells, defining test conditions, and much more. Learning all those commands takes time, and characterization has to be kicked off manually. Take a look at this excerpt modified from some example liberate scripts:
### Define temperature and default voltage ###
set_operating_condition -voltage 1.5 -temp 125
## Load template information for each cell ##
source ${rundir}/TEMPLATE/template_example.tcl
set_var extsim_cmd "spectre2"
## Load Spice models and subckts ##
set spicefiles $rundir/MODELS/include_SS.sp
foreach cell $cells {
lappend spicefiles ${rundir}/NETLIST/${cell}.sp
read_spice $spicefiles
## Characterize the library for NLDM (default)
char_library -thread 1 -extsim spectre2 -cells {INVX1}
## Save characterization database for post-processing ##
write_ldb ${rundir}/LDB/example.ldb
## Generate a .lib with ccs, ecsm ###
write_library ${rundir}/LIBRARY/example_nldm.lib
While the code itself is pretty well commented, I totally get it if your eyes glazed over the moment you saw that monospaced font. Basically the above code does the following:
- Set up a circuit simulator
- Load a library of standard cells (by calling a different script)
- Characterize the standard cell library
That’s a lot of code for such a small task. And that’s not even half the code you have to write to
run characterization; note the call to another script, template_example.tcl
, where all the cell
slew rates and loads are set up. You can find those other scripts in the same repository linked up
above. Credit where credit is due though; Cadence’s tools do the job, and do it very well. The
syntax is not exactly concise, but it’s not too hard to tell what it’s doing, either.
All that said, there are a few things we wanted to improve on in designing CharLib’s interface:
- You should be able to run characterization from a single command-line call, without explicitly setting up the underlying tools every time (i.e. you shouldn’t have to write scripts specifically for the tool).
- You shouldn’t have to rewrite “boilerplate” code every time you want to run characterization. It’s obvious that the tool is going to have to do things like load cells every time you characterize, so that should be integrated into the process somehow.
- You should be able to describe a cell library once and for all time, then reuse that description (even for other tools).
With these goals in mind, it’s easy to see why CharLib takes a different approach.
The CharLib Method: Tool-Agnostic Description
CharLib instead operates by reading a description of the cell library. Cell information is treated like metadata which can be stored with cell netlists or in a centralized configuration file for the whole cell library. Instead of configuring the tool every time you run characterization, you describe your cell library once. Then you can use that configuration any time you want to characterize your library. It’s a shift from prescriptive programming to descriptive.
One of the big advantages of this is that you can store cell information relavant to characterization alongside your cells. This makes everything simple and bite-sized: you don’t have to have one massive script (or a script that calls other scripts that calls other scripts… you get the picture) that handles all the cells in the library. (Eventually CharLib may even let you store cell configuration right in the cell netlist using a special comment format! But I’m getting ahead of myself - watch the CharLib Github if you’re interested in new features or releases.)
CharLib also tries to minimize the amount of work you have to do by letting you set library-wide defaults that cascade down to all cells. There is some information that’s different for every cell, of course. Those items are required to be documented on each cell. But everything else - even test conditions like slew rates and capacitive loads - can be easily set once for the whole library. You can still override library defaults by specifying settings on a per-cell basis, of course.
For comparison, here’s a complete example of a CharLib configuration file for library with a single inverter:
lib_name: gf180mcu_osu_sc
- gf180_temp/models/sm141064.ngspice typical
- gf180_temp/models/design.ngspice
slews: [0.001, 0.005, 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, 0.5, 1]
loads: [0.005, 0.01, 0.025, 0.05, 0.1]
netlist: gf180_temp/cells/gf180mcu_osu_sc_gp12t3v3__inv_1.spice
inputs: [A]
outputs: ['Y']
functions: [Y=~A]
This might also look like a lot of code for a small task, but consider that there are no other
scripts hiding in the background: all the details are right here. Technically this code doesn’t
even do anything on its own - it just describes the cell library and simulation details. But if
you pull up a terminal and run charlib run /path/to/this/config/file
, CharLib will ingest this
configuration file and automatically characterize the cell.
That’s not to say that CharLib perfectly automates everything, of course. You still have to write a config file for your cell library, and that means you’ll still need all the same information that would have gone into a script for any other tool. The difference is that instead of learning commands specific to the tool, you’re documenting your cell library in a way that CharLib knows how to read. Since this is simple, descriptive information, there’s no reason that other tools can’t use this information as well. Everyone benefits from documentation, but only a single tool can use a script.
Section II: Nuts and Bolts
When it comes to characterization itself, CharLib doesn’t do anything new. It uses tried-and-true methods to characterize cells, leaning on the work of previous open-source characterizers such as libretto and lctime. But just for fun, let’s take a closer look at how it works.
The characterization process for any given cell happens in four steps. Each cell in the library has to go through this process.
- Identify Test Arcs
- Measure Input Capacitances
- Measure Delays
- Collect and Present Results
Let’s go through what each of those means.
Test Arc Identification
For starters, what’s a test arc? Simply put, a test arc is a path through a cell, from one input pin to one output. A good test arc will tests how changes to that one input affect the output, without letting other pins affect the test. That means a test arc has to capture
- Which input we’re testing
- Which output we’re testing
- A signal to feed into the input that will give us something to observe on the output
- A setup for all other inputs so that observation comes through unimpeded
Item 4 here is called the “nonmasking conditions” for the test arc, because it’s the setup that will not hide, or “mask”, the input signal from causing some observable change on the output.
That’s pretty jargon-dense, so let’s look at an example.
Let’s say you want to characterize an OR cell. You start with the path from input A to the output, Y. But what do you do with input B? If you leave it disconnected, your simulation won’t represent real-world usage well. But you can’t just set it to a random value, because if you set it to logic 1, the OR cell will always output 1. You have to set input B to zero in order to observe how the OR cell affects a signal on input A. So your test arc is the path from A to Y, with B=0 as the nonmasking condition.
Which test arcs are valid depends on the logic that the cell implements. This points to a very simple method for identifying valid test configurations: comparing rows of the truth table for the cell’s logical function.
CharLib’s algorithm for identifying valid test arcs first builds a truth table based on the cell’s function (which is part of the cell metadata), then steps through the rows of that table to identify pairs of rows where changing a single input produces a change in the cell output. This works for arbitrary combinational logic functions. Sequential cells are a little more complex because of their internal state, but the same general principle applies. Here’s a flowchart showing the full process.
This is about as simple as it gets. This stuff is just complicated.
Once we’ve figured out how to test our cell, we take a brief aside to measure cell capacitance.
Measuring Input Capacitance
To measure capacitance, we model (a.k.a. pretend) that the cell is a capacitor connected to ground. Then we do some funny business.
I’m not going to try to explain Laplace transforms or Fourier analysis here; other folks have done a really good job explaining those topics. The gist of the approach here is this: if you generate an alternating current waveform with a particular frequency, then pass it through a capacitor, it will come out the other end slightly altered. With a little calculus, we can find the capacitance from the altered signal and our input current:
$$ C = i_0 \frac{d}{d{s}} \left( \frac{1}{v(s)} \right) $$
Don’t worry too much about the math; suffice it to say that circuit simulators are really good at measuring voltage and current, and they do most of the work for us here. Under the hood, CharLib is just plugging in numbers and letting those tools give us the results.
Delay Characterization
Ok, at this stage we’ve figured out how to test our circuits (test arcs), and we’ve made a few initial measurements using the standard cell spice files, so we know they work. Now it’s time to do the real work: measuring delays.
The goal here is actually pretty simple: if we switch one of the circuit inputs from low to high (or vice versa) we want to measure how long it takes for that change to start showing up on the cell output (\(t_{prop}\)), as well as how long the output takes to change state (\(t_{trans}\)). However, as discussed in part 1, we have to take lots of measurements with varying \(t_{slew}\) and \(c_{load}\) in order to get a good model.
Division of Labor
At this stage, we have a list of standard cells, each of which has a list of test arcs, a list of slew rates, and a list of capacitive load values. For each cell, we want to test all combinations of these three groups. If you know anything about combinatorics, you’ll recognize that this quickly balloons into a lot of simulations. There isn’t a clear way to avoid this, unfortunately (but perhaps this points towards an area for future research!). However, we can take advantage of the resources available to us: parallel processing!
Instead of running each cell one at a time, we can kick off multiple cells at the same time as distinct processes. Software on the computer called a “scheduler” decides what order to execute these processes in. While all the test arcs, slews, and loads for each cell are still run back-to-back (a.k.a “sequentially”), multiple cells can now be characterized at the same time. This works even better on modern multi-core processors, which are really multiple processors glued together. Each processor core can run multiple programs while other cores are doing their own thing. For us, that means more cells can be characterized at once.
Right now, characterization just gets divided up into a single process per cell. Ideally, it should be divvied up into multiple processes per cell as well. Every combination of test arc, slew rate, and load could be its own process. That might lead to big efficiency improvements and faster characterization! Keep an eye out for this feature in future versions of CharLib.
Now that we’ve talked through how we’re going to break down the processing, let’s get into the details that actually matter: circuit simulation.
Let’s say I’m a characterization program kicked off by CharLib. I’ve been handed a SPICE file that represents a combinational cell’s behavioral model, a test arc describing what value each input should be set to and which outputs to watch, a capacitive load to place on that output, and a slew rate to use for my input signal. Now what?
Cool beans, now I've got a bunch of stuff. What do I do with it?
Well, the first step is to wire up the circuit. CharLib does this by creating a “Harness
” that
handles the wiring and can work with any slew rate or load values. If you’re particularly
technically inclined, you can take a look at the code here.
The Harness
unpacks the test arc, wiring the inputs and outputs up to voltage sources and load
capacitors respectively. Nonmasking conditions are also applied at this stage by hooking up logic
1’s to high voltage (\(V_{DD}\)) and logic 0’s to ground. Any cell outputs that aren’t being tested
get wired to a pull-down resistor.
Note: There are some cases where logic 0 doesn’t mean 0 volts. For simplicity, we’re not going to worry about that sort of thing. It’s pretty rare anyways, at least for digital logic circuits, but it does happen sometimes.
My circuit is all wired up now! What's next?
Now we have a complete circuit. We feed a test signal into \(v_{in}\) that slews from 0 to 1 (or vice versa) over \(t_{slew}\) nanoseconds, then watch the voltage \(v_{out}\) across the load to see when it switches. We’ll take two measurements here. \(t_{prop}\) measures how long it takes the signal to propagate through the cell, and \(t_{trans}\) measures how long it takes the output to change state.
Remember this chart from part 1? Bet you didn't think it was important last time.
We’ll repeat this process for every capacitive load we’re given, with a rising and a falling input signal. In the charts below, these values are the “Fanout"s shown in the legend. You can see how changing the capacitance makes a huge difference in the delay. These are actual simulation charts generated by running CharLib.
These are actual simulation results. Did I mention CharLib can produce these automatically?
Wondering what those dashed grey lines are? Those are what we call “logic thresholds”. In digital logic, a 1 isn’t really 1 volt, and a zero isn’t really 0 volts. Instead, we say that a voltage above maybe 80% of our overall circuit voltage is a 1, and below 20% or so is a zero. Anything in between is “indeterminate”; there’s no telling whether the circuit will treat it as a 1 or a 0. We usually want to avoid that sort of thing.
Once we’ve taken all the load measurements for this slew rate, we switch to a new slew rate and repeat. By the end of all the simulations, we have a whole bevy of timing measurements that we can stick in a table indexed by slew rate and load capacitance. These “lookup tables” are the results of characterization. Mission accomplished!
While the above example only covered combinational cell delay characterization, I’m not going to go into detail on sequential cell delay characterization here. It has a whole bunch of quirks and extra nonmasking conditions, but it’s generally the same as combinational cell characterization. Just more complicated and with a few extra measurements. If you want to learn more about that, you ought to read the paper.
Anyways, now that we have a better handle on how delay characterization works under the hood, we can talk about how we deal with the results of all those simulations.
Liberty Files
Once we’ve run all the simulations for all the cells, slew rates, and loads we have, how do we store and communicate those results? Lucky for us, smart people have been thinking about this for several decades. They came up with a file format called a liberty file which is like a specialized form of JSON. It’s standardized and pretty well-defined, though I’ll admit it’s pretty confusing when you first look at it. The standard is about a million pages long and not a fun read, but just in case you want to look at it, here you go.
The important thing here is that there’s a standard way to write all the lookup tables we’ve collected out to a file. Other tools can then use that file to synthesize designs from the characterized PDK or whatever. CharLib uses liberty-parser to build liberty files.
I hope that learning how CharLib works hasn’t been too overwhelming. Taken altogether, this is a very complex piece of software. But when you look closer, it’s not doing anything that’s really all that complicated. The processes that it uses under the hood are all pretty simple - it’s just a culmination of a bunch of little good ideas.
Keep in mind also that characterization is just a tiny part of the digital design process. As complex as CharLib seems, it’s only one link in a much larger software supply chain.
As always, if there are parts of this you find confusing, reread & reach out! Send me an email with your questions. I’ll do my best to clarify things for you, and update this article with more detail when needed.